03 March 2022
- Program information
Title: Virtualand: An Immersive Virtual Experience for Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
Description: VirtuaLand delivers a Virtual Reality (VR) interactive platform, where selected Cultural Heritage Objects are converted to cultural and touristic scenarios.
Users not only browse the assets of interest, but experience life into another era, become acquainted with the living conditions of that period and interact with characters of the era.
- Advertising
The overall program has been promoted promptly via the ITB-homepage, social media channels and newsletter.
- Spectators
During the presentation, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions via a chat tool. One person was scheduled to be the chat moderator. This person had access to the admin area of the chat tool and approved the questions there, which were then visible in the General Chat.
To show during the exhibition, a novel touristic concept that will result in an innovative attraction pole for all tourists visiting the areas of interest. The central feature is to provide the opportunity to live an in-depth experience with tangible and intangible assets and better understand the traditions, history and culture of the interested areas.
To deliver a Virtual Reality (VR) interactive platform, where selected CHOs are converted to cultural and touristic scenarios.
Users will not only browse the assets of interest, but will experience life into another era, identify the living conditions of that period and interact with characters that will enhance their experience.
(Virtual Land will produce a library of 3D objects and an open VR platform that will be used by librarians and tourism professionals with limited programming skills to create their own VR stories, increasing the sustainability of this initiative. Thus, training activities are foreseen for the use and extension of the Virtual Land platform.)
Objectives reached
The overall program promoted the project promptly via the ITB-homepage, social media channels and newsletter.
Videos of the project were played during the exhibition.
During the presentation, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions via a chat tool.
External photographers made recordings during the livestream in sound and vision of the lecture, during which we showed a presentation and interviews.
We also participated via another communication tool by joining the ongoing livestream.